


What is Food is Life?

An online nutrition-coaching platform designed on the foundations that humans are on this planet to feel alive, have fun and be happy. Food Is Life is about fitting your nutrition/ food/ diet/ goals into and around your lifestyle, not the other way around.

Your journey as part of the Food Is Life Family will be based around educating you on the science and giving you the tools, support and education to one day fly the nest and alone. 

There is no preachy, sexy stuff here. You will be made aware that results don’t happen overnight and you’re not expected to be perfect, and that mistakes are where we learn and grow the most.

In the same breath (but different paragraph), Steph and Ross will provide you with all the education you need to succeed, and you better believe they will be there for you through every single up and down… so much support and motivation it will hurt 😉

At Food Is Life it’s all about science, it’s about education and it’s about YOU.

You’re an individual human being living on planet earth, so let us treat you as one and get you the weight loss you truly, wholly deserve!

Who are we?


The Nutritionist with too much energy for life.


The Personal Trainer, with terrible jokes. 


Who is Steph?

Steph. Me. A fully qualified Sport and Exercise Nutritionist registered to the Sport and Exercise Nutrition Register. I completed a double major first class Bachelors degree in ‘Sport and Exercise Science’ and ‘Human Communication Studies’ at the University of Northern Colorado, USA. On returning to the UK, I completed a Masters degree in Sport and Exercise Nutrition in Oxford (Brookes).

As a youth, I played national level tennis and became a full-time athlete obtaining a 4- year tennis scholarship to the University of Northern Colorado; a division 1 University in the USA.

I now run Food Is Life, as a nutrition + weight loss coach full time and tennis coach in my “spare” time. To find out what I get up to day-to-day, follow my daily story’s feed on either Facebook or Instagram (at least I make myself laugh!)


Who is Ross?

Ross. (Steph’s brother, she’s lucky). I Completed a Sport + Exercise Science degree at Loughborough University whilst playing first team rugby and qualifying to become a Personal Trainer.

As a youth I played county level rugby, and played for both London Irish + England as the #10, fly half.

I now work with Steph on the exercise side of Food Is Life, run the Lean Bean Exercise programmes to draw the connection between nutrition and fitness for an overall happy and healthy way of life for all.




Masters degree in Sport and Exercise Nutrition

Bachelors degree in Sport and Exercise Science

Bachelors degree in Human Communication Studies

Sport and Exercise Nutrition Register (SENr)

British Dietetics Association Member (BDA)

ISAK Accredited Anthropometrist Level 1

United Kingdom Anti-Doping Accredited Advisor (UKAD)



Bachelors degree in Sport and Exercise Nutrition

Level 3 Personal Training

Level 2 Fitness Instructor

RFU Level 1 Rugby Coaching

FREE 7 Day Weight Loss Challenge


Implement a habit each day for the next 7 days and lose your first 5lbs without feeling like 'you're on a diet' :)

SUCCESS! Now check your emails (or junk mail) for all the details so you can get started today