“My favourite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch. It’s called lunch”
Stay away from low-fat yoghurts, it contains artificial sweeteners and loads of sugar” – says they
A low-fat Greek yoghurt per 100g contains fewer calories and more protein than a full-fat yoghurt
If you’re aiming to eat in a calorie deficit the chances are you’ve got weight to lose to be at your healthiest
So the low-fat choice is a respectable option to help you stick to your calorie deficit easier
Because: less calories, more protein
Choosing the low-fat option and prioritising your consistent calorie deficit
Rather than worrying about the extra gram of artificial sweetener + sugar in your yoghurt
Is going to give you more bang for your buck in terms of both health and happiness long term
Firstly because artificial sweeteners are not “bad”
Secondly, because sugar is not “bad”
Thirdly, what about the artificial nutrients + sugar in that dessert you had at the weekend
Or in the ketchup, you poured over your poached eggs + kale?
Just saying ☺
Yours In Health,
Steph <3