Knowledge is power
Do you need to avoid foods like yoghurt and bananas because they are so high in sugar?
NO and NO
1. Sugar isn’t directly associated with belly fat
You have excess belly fat as the result of a consistent calorie surplus #ccs
Not from eating a banana that contains sugar
3. All sugar is not equal
Sugar in the form of a Haribo sweet we would consider an empty calorie
Empty calories are easy to over consume therefore managing intake to avoid a #ccs
Is probably a good idea
Sugar within nutrient dense foods, such as yogurt, and a banana
1. Contains protein, which helps to keep you fuller for longer
2. Contains micronutrients, which helps to keep you fuller for longer
3. And contains fibre, which helps to keep you fuller for longer too
Sugar and sugar free diets are demonised for no good reason
Yes it’s important to be aware and manage your intake of empty calorie sugary foods
But to stop eating foods that contain sugar and are packed with other nutrients?
That’s like me telling you to stop drinking water
Know your food, understand your food
Enjoy sugar in all forms and start focusing on the laws of energy balance
Calories in vs calories out
The real game player when it comes to weight management #ccd
Yours In Health,
Steph <3